VMPP Shift Bid Debacle
October 24, 2008
The time lines for Shift Bid at VMPP have been stalled due to a lack of communication, specifically on the part of Dave Nelson, Acting Superintendent, PC&R. It appears that the Managers responsible for operations at the VMPP were not all on the same page, or at least not the page from which Dave Nelson was reading.

The Corporation had previously committed to time lines which are now off the table as the Union waits to hear what the latest proposal will be from Management.
Although there have been a number of meetings where details were being worked out, it looks like we are starting over beginning next week.
We do not know what the schedules are going to be at this time, nor do we have any confidence that there will be an “open book” when it comes to discussing the future of positions.
There were positions posted for bidding upon in the order book which have since been withdrawn. Again, this is due to a lack of information getting shared between PC&R and the Managememt “team”.
If you have suggestions regarding your section, let Management know what you think. And let your Shop Steward know so that we can bring your concerns forward.
In Solidarity,
Robert Mulvin